Tag Archives: GoCheeksGo

Wise, Wacky and Witty Wednesday


Today we have a writing prompt- with the help of GoCheeksGo


So everyone start with “What I learned while tripping on peyote in the desert…”
I’ll start. What I learned while tripping on peyote in the desert is that me and girl in India- our hearts are beating at exactly the same time.

For some unknown reason I can only upload videos half the time on my laptop- I will fix the video when I get to another computer.

Wise, Witty, and Wacky Wednesday


Social media is a big deal and very scary, we don’t know what to post, where to post, or how often to post. So here is a GoCheeksGo video of things to NOT post on twitter- not work safe.

Wise, Witty, and Wacky Wednesday


Wednesday is my day to share odd bits of wisdom, quotes, videos, etc that made me laugh, or ponder my life, or ask questions. Today I am sharing one of my daughters favorite GoCheeksGo videos.- Work It Like It’s Fluffy.

I have two areas in my life where I try to ‘work it likes it’s fluffy’.

I have a difficult time calling myself an author because I haven’t published anything yet. I have written a book (120,00 words) and it is being edited. I have plans for this book.  I’ve even sent out query letters. I know that to succeed I need to see myself as an author. Some days that is very difficult.

I weight more than I want to, and more than is healthy for me. But I still need to love and appreciate my body. It is amazing and I’m working on making myself more amazing, and healthy, and strong, and flexible. If I start hating myself and how I look I get depressed, and  I eat, and then I start lots of negative self talk. So I work it like it’s fluffy and I pick out clothes that look good on me as I am right now. I wear things I like, and I flirt with my husband, and I feel better.

So the questions today How do you work it like it’s fluffy?